Comment un hébergeur cesse ses activités du jour au lendemain …

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Depuis août 2011, je loue un serveur virtuel auprès de la société VMLIT.COM. Le prix est super-intéressant: 10€ par trimestre pour une machine de 256 MB Ram virtualisée sous OpenVZ avec une console de management SolusVM.

La société est basée à l’île Maurice, mais les serveurs ne sont pas au milieu de l’Océan Indien. Ils sont en Hollande.

Mais voilà. Ce matin 13 juin, un mail manque dans ma boîte. C’est le rapport quotidien du logwatch, que je dois recevoir à 6 heures. J’essaie de faire un ssh sur le serveur. Il est bien mort.

Pas plus d’accès à la console pour redémarrer le serveur. Le site répond laconiquement:

Down for Maintenance
We are currently undergoing some issues.. please check back in a while.


Comme il a fait un temps pisseux hier soir, je me dis qu’ils ont eu la foudre, la grêle, des inondations, que l’Ijsselmeer s’est rempli d’eau jusqu’à ras-bord, que sais-je.
A 10h30 je reçois un mail de Paypal:

Hello Frederic De Mees,

Vimal Caleechurn canceled your automatic payments. This means we’ll no longer automatically draw money from your account to pay the merchant. If you have any questions, you may ask Vimal Caleechurn about this cancellation.
Billed to:MasterCard Card XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
By:Vimal Caleechurn
For:VML Information Technology Ltd – Invoice #xxxx

Là ça sent le roussi, mais au moins ils sont honnêtes. Toujours aucune communication, ni par e-mail, ni sur leur site.

A 11h08 je reçois le mail suivant:

Dear Customers,

It is with much regret that we announce the immediate closure of VML I.T Hosting Division. Since the resignation of our Director Last month due to health reason we have had since then no contact with our current Acting Managing Director. We understood the seriousness of the situation and hence took the decision.

From our current information, this should not affect Hosting clients on shared hosting in Mauritius or Netherlands, but it will affect all VPS and Dedicated Clients.

Moreover VML I.T Hosting Division  was sold last month and the deal had been finalised with the new owner who has not yet showned sign.

We have had contacts with the previous owner who has promised if the owner does not show up, he will issue refunds to all clients who are elligible as per our TOS in the next 60 days or lesser depending  on his health.

Our Sincere Apologies.

Support Dept.

Heureusement ce serveur effectuait juste du transit de mail et du backup de fichiers. Sa disparition n’est pas dramatique.

Mise à jour 14 juin 14h23:

Dear Customers,

I have been made aware of the decision taken up by the support Department yesterday to close down the Hosting Side of the business. Since I have been unable to contact the new owner myself and after consulting with legal representatives, we have therefore cancelled the sale of the Division temporarily and placed all funds associated with it into legal custody.

Having crossed checked with Support, we are still missing access to the servers and other important things. We are very well aware of the legal issues this can bring on us, but rest assured we are doing what we can on this and I am monitoring this from my side.

We will never let our clients down and I will personally look into this.

I will keep you all updated about the outcome and try to restore service as quick as possible depending on my health.


Sent from my Samsung Mobile

“We will never let our clients down” … c’est beau ça, mon serveur ne répond toujours pas …